Study Advice

Making A Perfect Study Plan

By Moya Ellis - 2 minute read

Lots of students have been getting in touch with us asking how to make a proper plan for studying. Making a good study plan is a really important step in the studying process as it helps you stay organised, reduces stress as well as helping you keep track of what you’ve done. Check out these 5 tips for making a good study plan. 

1. Print out a template

We recommend you make a new Study plan for each week ahead. You can download a free study plan below, print it and then write in your tasks. 

2. Start with the things you must do

Fill in all the things in the week that you have to do (for example training for a sport). This way you won’t feel stressed that you should be studying when you are doing these activities because you have planned for them well in advance.

3. Write down particular tasks where possible

Instead of writing down just a subject’s name try to be more specific and give yourself a more defined task (for example, “do exam questions on Trigonometry” is better than just “Maths”)

4. Avoid getting stressed if you don’t get everything done

With teachers piling on more and more homework it’s inevitable that you will not always be able to stick to your plan. It’s a good idea to leave a few slots free later in the week so that you can use that time to catch up on tasks you missed earlier in the week.

5. Stay focused by practising past exam questions

It’s very common for you to lose focus and get the feeling that nothing is going in. One of the best ways to stay focused is to do active learning by trying some past exam questions after you have completed any topic. A Studyclix Plus or Premium account makes this easy by allowing you to print all past questions by topic with the exam reports. In fact, 95% of students who used it last year said it helped improve their grades.

Good luck with the new year and let us know if you have any questions!
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