Studyclix is free for teachers!
Save precious time while make your teaching even more effective and efficient with our handy tools and resources.
Exam Builder
Test your students effortlessly
Make custom tests using our database of past exam questions. You can even create your own! Print them out or share and mark them online.
Questions by topic
Exam questions sorted by topic
Reinforce student learning using all past VCE and QCE questions, matched with exam reports and sample answers.
Quiz Builder
Tests you don't have to grade
Want to give your classes more assessments but don't have the time to mark them? Our Quiz Builder allows you to make self-correcting quizzes.
Get discounted access for your class or school
A Studyclix school licence gives all students access at a discounted price.
Engaging content
We work with the best teachers and students to build flashcards, quizzes, videos, and notes to help keep your students engaged and motivated.
Study advice
Since effective study techniques are an essential part of your students' success in exams, we provide advice based on scientific research.
Works on all devices
Phones, tablets, laptops, you name it. Studyclix works seamlessly across all devices.