English is amongst the most popular VCE exams. A good knowledge of the texts involved as well as practicing responses should see you do well!
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Selected questions/exam content from the VCE English are copyright Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), reproduced by permission. VCE® is a registered trademark of the VCAA. The VCAA does not endorse this product and makes no warranties regarding the correctness or accuracy of its content. To the extent permitted by law, the VCAA excludes all liability for any loss or damage suffered or incurred as a result of accessing, using or relying on the content. Past VCE exams and related content can be accessed directly at www.vcaa.vic.edu.au.
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The VCE English Course includes the following topics for study:
Context Analysis | Encounter Conflict
Context Analysis | Identity and Belonging
Context Analysis | The Imaginative Landscape
Context Analysis | whose reality?
Language Analysis
Persuasive Techniques
Short Story Analysis
Text | A Christmas Carol
Text | A Farewell to Arms
Text | A Human Pattern
Text | A Man for All Seasons
Text | A Passage to India
Text | A Separation
Text | All About Eve
Text | Behind the Beautiful Forevers
Text | Brooklyn
Text | Burial Rites
Text | Bypass
Text | Cat's Eye
Text | Cloudstreet
Text | Così
Text | Dear America
Text | Death of a Salesman
Text | Dreams From My Father
Text | Every Man in this Village is a Liar
Text | Foe
Text | Frankenstein
Text | Great Short Works
Text | Hard Times
Text | Henvy IV | Part I
Text | Home
Text | I for Isobel
Text | In The Country of Men
Text | Interpreter of Maladies
Text | Into the Wild
Text | Into Thin Air
Text | Invictus
Text | Island | Collected Stories
Text | Life of Galileo
Text | Life of Pi
Text | Look Both Ways
Text | Mabo
Text | Maestro
Text | Measure for Measure
Text | Medea
Text | Night Street
Text | Nineteen Eighty Four
Text | No Sugar
Text | Of Love and Shadows
Text | On the Waterfront
Text | Poet Gwen Harwood
Text | Poet John Donne
Text | Ransom
Text | Richard III
Text | Selected Poems | Gwen Harwood
Text | Selected Poems | Kenneth Slessor
Text | Stasiland
Text | Summer of the Seventeenth Doll
Text | The Complete Maus
Text | The Lieutenant
Text | The Mind of a Thief
Text | The Old Man Who Read Love Stories
Text | The Reluctant Fundamentalist
Text | The Thing Around Your Neck
Text | The View from Castle Rock
Text | The War Poems
Text | The White Tiger
Text | Things We Didn't See Coming
Text | This Boy's Life
Text | Twelve Angry Men
Text | Wag the Dog
Text | Wild Cat Falling
Text | Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?
Text | Wuthering Heights
Text | Year of Wonders
Text Response
There’s three sections in the VCE English Exam, where students answer one question from each section . One of the key tips for success in VCE English to make use of the available practice exam and past papers. Using the helpful resources on Studyclix for VCE English can also help students to to do well in exams. Some of the VCE English resources including videos, solutions, notes and practice material. Using these tools and resources can help replace VCE English tuition and improve your grade for the VCE English final exam.
According to the VCAA, “Through engagement with texts from the contemporary world and from the past, and using texts from Australia and from other cultures, students studying English become confident, articulate and critically aware communicators and further develop a sense of themselves, their world and their place within it. English helps equip students for participation in a democratic society and the global community..”
VCE English Study Design:
2020 English/EAL Text List:
2021 English/EAL Text List:
Changes to the English requirement for satisfactory completion of the VCE from 2018: