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Health Status Indicators Flashcards
One DALY equals one year of healthy life lost due to premature death and time lived with illness, disease or injury.
Burden of Disease
A measure of the impact of disease and injuries. Gap between current health and a situation where everyone lives to old age free of disease and disability. Measured in DALY.
Year Lost Due to Disability (YLD)
A measure of how many healthy years of life are lost due to illness, injury or disability.
Years of Life Lost (YLL)
A measure of how many years of expected life are lost due to premature death.
Maternal Mortality
Death of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth or within six weeks of delivery.
Under 5 Mortality Rate
The rate of deaths occuring in children under 5 years of age per one thousand live births.
Life Expectancy
A measure of how many years a person can expect to live if death rates do not change.
Infant Mortality Rate
The rate of deaths of infants between birth and their first birthday, usually expressed per one thousand live births.
Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE)
It is the number of years in full health that a person can expect to live, based on current rates of ill health and mortality.
Refers to ill-health in an individual and the levels of ill-health in a population or group.
Health Status Indicators
An individual's or a population's overall health taking into account life expectancy, amount of disability, and levels of disease risk factors.
The quality or state of being weak or ill; often associated with old age.
A subjective concept related to the personal experience of a disease or injury.
Communicable Diseases
Infectious diseases that are transmitted from the environment: through air, water, food and other infected organisms (including other humans).
Chronic Condition
Any disease or condition that lasts a long time (longer than six months). It usually can’t be cured and therefore requires ongoing treatment and management.
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Health Status Indicators Flashcards
One DALY equals one year of healthy life lost due to premature death and time lived with illness, disease or injury.
Burden of Disease
A measure of the impact of disease and injuries. Gap between current health and a situation where everyone lives to old age free of disease and disability. Measured in DALY.
Year Lost Due to Disability (YLD)
A measure of how many healthy years of life are lost due to illness, injury or disability.
Years of Life Lost (YLL)
A measure of how many years of expected life are lost due to premature death.
Maternal Mortality
Death of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth or within six weeks of delivery.
Under 5 Mortality Rate
The rate of deaths occuring in children under 5 years of age per one thousand live births.
Life Expectancy
A measure of how many years a person can expect to live if death rates do not change.
Infant Mortality Rate
The rate of deaths of infants between birth and their first birthday, usually expressed per one thousand live births.
Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE)
It is the number of years in full health that a person can expect to live, based on current rates of ill health and mortality.
Refers to ill-health in an individual and the levels of ill-health in a population or group.
Health Status Indicators
An individual's or a population's overall health taking into account life expectancy, amount of disability, and levels of disease risk factors.
The quality or state of being weak or ill; often associated with old age.
A subjective concept related to the personal experience of a disease or injury.
Communicable Diseases
Infectious diseases that are transmitted from the environment: through air, water, food and other infected organisms (including other humans).
Chronic Condition
Any disease or condition that lasts a long time (longer than six months). It usually can’t be cured and therefore requires ongoing treatment and management.
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One DALY equals one year of healthy life lost due to premature death and time lived with illness, disease or injury.
Burden of Disease
A measure of the impact of disease and injuries. Gap between current health and a situation where everyone lives to old age free of disease and disability. Measured in DALY.
Year Lost Due to Disability (YLD)
A measure of how many healthy years of life are lost due to illness, injury or disability.
Years of Life Lost (YLL)
A measure of how many years of expected life are lost due to premature death.
Maternal Mortality
Death of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth or within six weeks of delivery.
Under 5 Mortality Rate
The rate of deaths occuring in children under 5 years of age per one thousand live births.
Life Expectancy
A measure of how many years a person can expect to live if death rates do not change.
Infant Mortality Rate
The rate of deaths of infants between birth and their first birthday, usually expressed per one thousand live births.
Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE)
It is the number of years in full health that a person can expect to live, based on current rates of ill health and mortality.
Refers to ill-health in an individual and the levels of ill-health in a population or group.
Health Status Indicators
An individual's or a population's overall health taking into account life expectancy, amount of disability, and levels of disease risk factors.
The quality or state of being weak or ill; often associated with old age.
A subjective concept related to the personal experience of a disease or injury.
Communicable Diseases
Infectious diseases that are transmitted from the environment: through air, water, food and other infected organisms (including other humans).
Chronic Condition
Any disease or condition that lasts a long time (longer than six months). It usually can’t be cured and therefore requires ongoing treatment and management.
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